Thursday, 30 April 2020

SyntheSys Defence Provides Free Online Tactical Data Link Training

During this difficult period many of us are looking for flexible ways of developing and maintaining key skills, and with so many face-to-face training courses now being cancelled, online training delivery is now more relevant than ever.

In response, we would like to share the full schedule for Free Tactical Data Link (TDL) Training to be delivered by our SyntheSys Defence team:   
  • 6th May 2020 at 09:30 – An Introduction to MIDS/Link 16;
  • 20th May 2020 at 09:30 – An Introduction to Link 22;
  • 3rd June 2020 at 09:30 – An Introduction to Variable Message Format (VMF).

Each delegate attending the course will also receive a free copy of the Introduction to TDLs E-Book to support and enhance the learning experience.  Registration for the live online training sessions must be made via our Defence Community Portal which will also give access to other useful TDL resources.

We welcome anyone from any background to join in.

For more information on what the online courses will cover and details on how to register, visit:
or contact us via

Webinar Invitation for those working in the Travel & Transportation Industry

SyntheSys and IBM® are helping teams effectively manage the complexities of developing smart, connected products by using powerful tools to enhance and support the systems and software development life cycle.  In the cloud or on-premises, IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management tools help Systems Engineers and Software Developers to deliver against requirements, respond efficiently to change and create high-quality designs faster - all whilst controlling development costs and meeting compliance needs.

We are thrilled to be collaborating with IBM® to deliver a 1-hour technical webinar which will give delegates an overview of the toolset whilst informing on best practices for the industry.  This webinar presents the case around why and how organisations should manage requirements, govern change and test extensively when developing smart products.

Engineers from all functional disciplines, including Senior Managers, Project Managers and team members will find this webinar useful.  Those developing complex products (including software) and services within the Travel & Transportation industry will benefit from understanding the tools.

For more information and to register your attendance, visit: