We are delighted to be participating in the upcoming ‘Meet
the Buyer – Land’ event as hosted by MAKE UK Defence. The event will take place on the 28th
and 29th of April and aims to provide opportunities for
organisations across the defence and security sectors to virtually connect and
John Hartas will be representing SyntheSys and its
subsidiary businesses and comments:
‘’I am a great believer in the power of building positive
relationships and am constantly looking for opportunities to meet with new
people across the industries we serve with a view to collaboration and mutual
support. I am positive this latest MAKE
UK Defence event will be fruitful and useful.’’
If you are attending and would like to meet with John to
share insights or hear more about who we are, what we do, and how we do it,
please contact John via the swapcard platform.
To learn more about the event, visit: https://ndievents.app.swapcard.com/event/make-uk-defence-meet-the-buyer-land-event
For more information about SyntheSys, visit: www.synthesys.co.uk