Our cover feature marks SyntheSys’ journey through the Tactical Data Link (TDL) environment over the past 30 years with an account from SyntheSys’ Managing Director, John S Hartas. It certainly took us on a trip down memory lane.
We continue to offer complementary space in our ‘Community Forum’ and in this issue we feature an article from Viasat and Alan Gore, Link and Communication Chief Engineer at Swedish Försvarets Materielverk (FMV). We are thrilled that this area of the magazine is gaining traction.
Get your free copy now to read more about:
- Next Generation Tactical Data Link Systems Engineering Tools - Page 8.
- Viasat’s Multi Channel Link 16 Terminal - Page 10.
- Ask the Trainer: Why and How is Variable Message Format (VMF) so Adaptable? - Page 14.
Most of our subscribers are aware that we offer a free resource in each issue; we are confident our latest resource will not disappoint. We are extending access to our Capabilities and Limitations (Caps and Lims) Database which provides a myriad of facts about countries’ platforms and TDLs. This is available via our Defence Community Portal which can be accessed via www.tdl-technology.com/community-portal.
To read the digital issues and subscribe to receive future e-magazines visit www.tdl-technology.com.
Please let us know if you would like to receive a free hard copy by emailing tdltech@synthesys.co.uk.