Monday, 14 November 2016

Great to see you at IDLS 2016

The 2016 annual International Data Link Symposium (IDLS) proved to be a valuable, interesting and enjoyable event at which we had the opportunity to meet with colleagues and customers throughout the Tactical Data Link (TDL) Community.

In keeping with our overall business objective to create an integrated TDL Community, we were pleased to see so many delegates participate in our ‘Follow the Link’ competition.  Congratulations go to Roberto Silva from Ultra Electronics and Simon Verduijn from the Royal Netherlands Navy who each won a Kindle Fire.

Our training day for this year’s show took an interactive approach where we provided a Joint Range Extension Application Protocol (JREAP) training course.  Our trainers, Paul Czajkowski (Ski) and Tony Castle, delivered the ‘JREAP - How does it work and what does it provide the user?’ training course, which delivered a definition of JREAP along with how JREAP users can interact with Link 16 networks, together with advantages and capabilities.  The training was split into two parts which enabled attendees to apply the learnt theory in a simulated training environment using the Daronmont Data Link Training Suite (DLTS) and the Engility Joint Range Extension (JRE) software.

Our educational contribution did not end there.  For delegates particularly interested in Variable Message Format (VMF), Tony Castle delivered a presentation on day one giving an introduction to this subject covering VMF capabilities, message and header format and users.

On day two, Ski delivered a 45 minute lesson aimed at all international delegates who sought an interesting introduction to Link 22.  The lesson referenced NATO standards and documents, and also examined the main features of Link 22, Operational Net Cycle Structure and Assignment Slots.  Ski also provided a comparison of Link 22 versus other Links such as Link 11 and Link 16.

Tony Castle rounded up our educational presentations with a condensed version of the JREAP training day, which was aimed at delegates who were interested in high level information relating to JREAP.  Tony examined many elements including; the need for JREAP, common time references, JREAP media types and management messages.

You can access all the presentation material relevant to our workshops on the IDLS website.  

IDLS gave us an excellent opportunity to distribute the latest issue of our ‘TDL Technology’ magazine and we were glad to speak to many members of the community who have great ideas for features in the ‘Community Forum’ section of the magazine.  Please contact if you would like to feature in future magazines.

For further information on any of our services, or to hear more about how we are involved with the International Data Link Society, please contact

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Roland Kemp Joins SyntheSys

We are delighted to announce that highly experienced Tactical Data Link (TDL) and former Dutch Patriot operator Roland Kemp has joined SyntheSys.

Roland served for 37 years in the Dutch Armed Forces, during which time one of his career highlights included being a Staff NCO at the Group Operations Centre - responsible for training crews on the Patriot Information Coordination Centre (ICC).

Roland was acting Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO) in the JICO cell during exercises such as Joint Project Optic Windmill (JPOW), Roving Sands and in the Joint Combat ID Evaluation Team 2002.

During the mission Iraqi Freedom in 2003, he was Link Manager at the PATRIOT Battalion Level.
He has also been an operator for Tactical Simulation HAWK and a member of the analysis team in Live Flying Exercises.

In addition, Roland has been a Senior Tactical Data Link Manager responsible for training junior TDL managers and has been involved in testing weapon systems and platforms equipped with MIDS terminals including F-16, Air Defence Command Frigate and KDC-10.

As Chief of the Network Design Facility he was responsible for training new network designers and the validation and accreditation of newly developed network designs for national and international use.  He also supported units in their respective mission and training areas.

Together with German and American TDL SME’s he set up the Joint Interface Control Cell (JICC) at AB Ramstein and supported the Army GBAD and PATRIOT in exercises with the JRE.

Roland will primarily be employed to work with our training team, and will provide a different viewpoint to our very successful Data Link Manager/Interface Control Officer (DLM/ICO) training course.  His experiences with Patriot, and the use of JRE will add another dimension to our training courses.  As a qualified JICO, Roland will also bring experience from the US perspective.

Roland’s arrival at SyntheSys emphasises our commitment to employ the highest quality personnel, which in turn will provide the highest quality results for our customers.  We wish Roland the greatest success in his endeavours with SyntheSys.