Wednesday, 20 March 2013

SyntheSys at NTDLS - Calpe

SyntheSys attended the 16th NATO Tactical Data Link Symposium at Calpe on 11 - 14 March 2013. Phil Angus and Paul (Ski) Czajkowski represented the Company and provided briefs on BLOS Communications in the Urban Environment and the UK Multi-Link Test Facility, which is operated by SyntheSys on behalf of the MOD. 

Ski also chaired a Link 16 Network Design Workshop, which drew attendance from a wide range of interested military and commercial partners in the domain of data link and network management. We were able to discuss a number of TDL-related operational and training issues with many national TDL specialists from within NATO, and with Industry. 

The whole event was conducted in a relaxed but professional manner, thereby encouraging free and frank discussion.

SyntheSys acquire JRE Software

We are very pleased to announce that through our collaboration with Engility Corporation we have now taken delivery of the Joint Range Extension (JRE) software. This allows us to both provide JRE demonstrations, and also provide a hands on user experience in the classroom. From now, we will be offering the use of this facility as an extension to our very popular JREAP training course. Should you wish to have further information about this, or any of our other products, please contact us at or phone +44 1947 821464.

Additional VMF Course

Due to high demand we have been requested to schedule a further VMF training course between 23-25 April 13. This course will be held at Branston Hall Hotel, near Lincoln, England. If you would like to attend this course please get in touch via or give us a call on +44 1947 821464. Full details of the course, including the syllabus can be found at