Whether you are new to the world of Systems Engineering, or
an experienced member of the community, we build our courses to meet all levels
of experience. Gathering customer
feedback is fundamental to how we design, deliver and improve our training
courses, so we are thrilled to publish the 2019 customer feedback results from
our SyntheSys Technologies group.
After completing the course, delegates are asked to complete
feedback questionnaires which are designed in line with requirements outlined
in ISO9001:2015 to capture insight around trainer performance, course material,
operational context and overall course feedback.
We are thrilled to receive many positive comments and
feedback which helps us build on strengths and adapt and improve our courses.
For more information about
engineering courses delivered through our SyntheSys Technologies group
including our 2020 course schedule, course datasheets and syllabi visit: http://www.synthesys-technologies.co.uk/training.html
or contact training.sys-eng@synthesys.co.uk