Tuesday, 23 May 2017

SyntheSys accepted onto the United Kingdom (UK) Government Digital Marketplace ‘G-Cloud’ supplier list

The UK Government G-Cloud is an initiative targeted at easing procurement by public-sector bodies in departments of the UK Government, specifically information technology services that use cloud computing.

Suppliers are legally required to meet a set of minimum standards.  Only those suppliers who state that they meet these minimum standards in the supplier declaration are considered for a place on a framework agreement. 

We are thrilled to announce that we have been accepted for inclusion onto the supplier list in all three categories; Cloud hosting, Cloud Software and Cloud Support.  G-Cloud will provide a mechanism for clients to access leading IBM software and systems engineering solutions, with associated technical support and training from the SyntheSys team.  Our Software as a Service (SaaS) provision is driven by our cloudbaSE product. 

To find out more about our Government G-Cloud involvement, or to speak to us about your cloud hosting, software or support requirements contact info@synthesys.co.uk 

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

SyntheSys Spring 2017 Training Newsletter Unveiled

Our Spring 2017 Training Newsletter is here!  It highlights how our three week Data Link Manager/Interface Control Officer (DLM/ICO) course continues to go from strength to strength and that our Defence Community Portal has gone live!  It is also packed with upcoming training courses, events and interesting facts and articles.  One not to be missed. To read the newsletter click here